Thursday, April 10, 2014

We Did It!

Go ahead and pat yourself on the back, give the Lord a hallelujah shout and celebrate the fact that you took ownership on the development of becoming a more Godly woman. Throughout this study many life-changing topics were introduces to us. Some of them made us cringe knowing we must do better, then there were many “ah-hah” moments that altered your thought process and actions. There is nothing God wants more than for us to walk in the fullness of who He created us to be.
We are meeting one last time (Saturday, April 26) to celebrate, not the end, but the beginning of a transformed and prosperous life.
Ladies, I again salute you and I am excited to see the transformation continue.
Blessings and peace to you, Proverb 31 woman. “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised

Friday, April 4, 2014

A Pep Talk From God – Joshua 1:8-9

Let’s face it, we have all been there before; facing a daunting task, confronted with making an important decision or charged to walk blindly by our faith. “How on God’s green earth am I supposed to do this?” You ask yourself, then you begin to find every excuse in the book why you can’t, not realizing that greatness is really inside of you!

In this scripture we find Joshua on the brinks of walking in his God-ordained purpose. Through his obedience he has been given the opportunity to change the life course of the Israelites for generations to come. But what is standing in his way?? The thought that he has to accomplish this gigantic mission alone. As if the same God that delivered them from the chains of Pharaoh, parted the red sea and kept them during the years in the wilderness is out of power, out of protection and lacking provision. As children of God, He assures us countless times throughout His word that he will not leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6), greater is he that is within us (1 John 4:4) and right here in Joshua he tells him a few simple, but profound words…”BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS for I am with you WHEREVER you go.” Did you catch that…WHEREVER we go! If that doesn’t give you confidence, I don’t know what will. There is something special that happens when we read God’s word and a fresh breath of air literally falls on our spirit and we are renewed with inner strength. The fact of the matter is, God doesn’t want us to do anything in our own might, but through the might of God. This is how we can gain full confidence to face our fears and move forward.

Every now and again we need the confirming words from the Lord or a fellow believer to shift our focus and help us to understand that we are not in this thing alone, but we have an almighty and all-knowing God that has forecasted our future and it looks pretty darn good. Our job now becomes to trust in His word and act in obedience. After all, every great player in history needed a good ole pep talk and you are no different. #yougotthis #shereadstruth