Thursday, October 30, 2014
The Search for a Simple Life
At times, we can be so busy that we don't know what to do, where to start or how to conquer. Just recently, I became a bit bogged down with "the life" I always hoped for. You know the husband, kids, business, clients and other outlets that my unique gifts are being utilized.
God in all His Sovereignty, had the audacity to remind me of a powerful passage in His word. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take MY YOKE upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matt 11:28-30 NIV
Jesus instructs us to take upon HIS yoke, not selfish ambitions, nor the yoke of things that are not aligned with our purpose. At the end of the day, we must say YES to God's plan, mission and direction for our lives. When we place yokes of "trying to please others", yokes of trying to "fit in" and yokes of other people perspectives of us we become burdened, weary and wanting to give up.
Jesus offers to His children peace that comes from knowing He was a great plan for your life, joy that is anchored in knowing that if God is for me then who can be against me. We can learn a lot from Jesus, He instructs us to learn from Him. How we can use wisdom to decline responsibilities that will detour us, using wisdom to say "YES" to the things that seems taxing, but can be life-giving.
Although our lives can be complex, God has a simple plan for us to maintain balance and create a sense of peace and purpose for what we do. Following God's instructions promises prosperity and fulfillment. We will begin to decipher truth from fact, and purpose from pain. God came so we may have an abundant life, a life that really matters when all is said and done.
Today choose the path that is narrow, the path others will neglect to follow because it will cause you to be disciplined, selective and committed to living for Christ. Proverbs 14:12 reads, "There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." Simplify your life so it glorifies God and brings joy, peace and fulfillment.
**I cam across this helpful tool to simplify my day and keep things in perspective.**
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Favor Anyone?
I just had a light bulb moment. You know when 1+1 finally equals 2?
Whether you deem it favor or grace, its one of the highest commodities in Christiandom. So many of us want FAVOR with the Lord. Technically its contingency has nothing to do with our behavior, what we get wrong or right. But here I am scanning through his Holy word and I Peter 2:19-20 shares how we unequivocally can obtain favor from the Lord and its found when we do right, even we we are wronged. Talk about "the big pay back"!
The Lord will repay us for our obedience. When we neglect our flesh to get the last word or letting the other person know how we REALLY feel and simply submitt to authority. As the old adage goes "there is a blessing in your pressing." Pressing through persecution, injustice and pain only to obtain a great gift from our awesome God in the form of FAVOR!
Favor is when we get what we dont deserve and couldn't pay for ourselves. Doesn't that sound like the opposite of what may have just happened to us? Here we are someone dodging us and we refuse to go there with them. In turn we are blesswd with something WE DONT EVEN DESERVE. I dont know about you but I need a dose of favor EVERYDAY!
So when you recieve the call to walk in favor, know its going to cost you something, but the reward is some much greater, something you couldnt do for yourself, its the favor of God.