It has almost been two complete weeks since we've begun this some what unknown journey. I have been pleasantly surprised by every subject and some of them I needed to be exposed in order to become a better woman. So this week, the two things really hit home for me; Day 10 (Devoting Yourself To Prayer) and Day 12 (Be Diligent).
If I had to pick a weapon to represent prayer I would choose a bazooka, for two reasons, because it can literally blow some stuff up and you have to kneel to use it. Prayer is a powerful weapon, that has the ability to alter our lives and those around us. The only thing is...WE HAVE TO USE IT! It is my hope that we all become so comfortable praying that it becomes second nature. When we see destruction, hopelessness or anything contrary to God's word our first reaction should be to invite God into the situation with a prayer. Would if I told you there are some things God has allowed you to witness, because He has trusted you to intervene via prayer. This is how heavenly intervention happens on our behalf. Yes, some prayers take longer than other to be answered, but this is where "
praying in faith" comes in. God has always been moved by a person's faith, we come to know Him by faith. I LOVED the quote from the author, "when we work, we work. But when we pray, God works." I don't know about you but I can list three people in my life right now that I have tried my best to encourage to do the right thing with no avail. Rereading that quote has inspired me to continue in prayer for them and watch GOD work.
(What areas do you need to stop working and start praying??)
Lastly, if you know me, you know I looooooooove my beauty rest. On the same token, I am a night owl, so it hard for me to get up willingly each morning. The entire year of 2013 I told myself "Jennifer, you are going to beat the sun getting up, you are going to spend some QT with the God you proclaim to be so awesome THEN you will start your day." And to tell the whole truth, I think I accomplished that two days out of each week. So when we read Day 12...I knew it was a divine wake up call once again to get myself together in this area. There was not a morning in which I followed the plan and didn't have a productive and stress-free day. Whenever you struggle this hard in an area as such, I highly recommend you getting an accountability partner. Someone who is going to remind you about the story of the ant, and how you've got too much to loose. So if you do not have one...GET ONE! :) The word of God says it best in
Matthew 6:33 as we align ourselves with how God wants things done, there is not a care in the world we would have.
This journey is about God-discovery and learning the adjustments we need to make in life so we can become the Godly women He has created us to be. I am committing daily to maintain a lifestyle of prayer, where all my cares are being
cast on the Lord, I patiently listening for His direction and I'm making the necessary adjustments so He is the
first one who gets a piece of me each day.
What changes are you adopting? Please share
Continue to be blessed my sisters and I'll see you at our first gathering on Saturday, January 25 @ 10am-noon (location still TBA)
-Lady Jenn