Thursday, January 23, 2014

Week 3...Let's Get Together

Today marks Day 18 in our journey towards living a Proverbs 31 Life!!! I hope you have found yourselves spending more time with God, being selective in what you do eat, and remaining watchful to what God is saying and doing.

Let's come together this Saturday, January 25 @10-11:45pm 3903 Broadway Oakland, CA 2nd Floor Room 202 for great discussion, interactive activities and encouraging fellowship. We have some amazing women that are a part of this study group and I can't wait until we get together.

Lastly, please celebrate with New Life this weekend as we turn 1!!!

1 comment:

  1. This week has been great, thus far. I haven't set an alarm clock since week 2, but God has been waking me up a littler earlier each morning in order to get into the word (this morning he woke me up at 4 am... LOL). During my time with Him, He is also pouring out insight related to my finances and to my schoolwork. I started another small group study at my church last week, so in addition to this study, my mornings are filled with much need time alone with God.

    Because I was already fasting with you all, my eating habits haven't changed this week, but there is no doubt how beneficial this fast has been for my clarity of mind, my waistline, and my digestive system. My skin is glowing, my tummy is flat, and although I haven't weighed myself, I'm sure the pounds are dropping. I'm eating fruits and veggies (this week, veggies only) that I don't usually prepare. I'm learning how important it is to rid myself of the nonfood items that I have become accustom to eating.

    I'm really excited to try out my local food assembly kitchen!!! I had never heard of such a thing before reading today's devotion. I've already sent an email to my two closest girlfriends, inviting them to join me. It seems like a great idea for those of us without the time or desire to slave over a hot stove.

    Enjoy your gathering on Saturday! I'm looking forward to our readings next week!
