Wednesday, December 18, 2013

3 Reason To Join "A Journey Towards A Proverbs 31 Life"

I don't know about you, but I am very optimistic for the year 2014. It's exciting that we've made it through another year. Even with the setbacks and come ups, WE ARE HERE!!!!  With a new year before us, I believe this is the perfect time to take part in this life-changing journey with The Sisterhood. Its a journey towards, becoming a better you, a journey of spirtual discovery and discpline. 
Here are my three reasons I want you to be a part:
#1 Grow Closer To God
Lets face it, no one can ever be too close to God. When we grow closer to Him, our life purpose is revealed, there is a type of swagger we walk in know that God is for us and our lives bring a total different perspective. Through this study you are going to hear God's voice clearer and begin to peel back the layers to the TRUE you!
#2 Become More Disciplined
Yes, I used the "D" word...DISCPLINE. Without it , it is a great challenge to see real growth in any area of our lives. Whether our goal for 2014 is to loose weight, become a better wife, get into position or start a new business. The discplines that will be encouraged through this study will spill over to other areas in your life.
#3 Become A Better You
The thing I like most about this journey we are embarking on, is the fact it is very holisitc. Throughout the 90 days we will look at a variety of areas in our lives to make improvements and take assesments so we become better. If you're like me, my finances need a makeover, the way I manage my time can be improved and the way in which I allow God to use me can change someone's life for the better.
So if you're on the fence about joing, just know that this study will be life-changing and after we're done, there still will be things we can work on, but at least we've looked in the mirror and we're being intenional about becoming the woman God wants us to be.
The journey starts January 6, 2014. Purchase the book online  or on Sunday for $18. I am truly excited about taking this journey with you all, my beloved sisters.
God's Best,
Lady Jenn
Sisterhood Gathering Dates (4th Saturdays)
January 25
February 2/2
March 22
April 26

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